Business Fails When You Don’t…..

Kyle Golding
1 min readOct 29, 2018

Business fails when you don’t focus marketing efforts precisely enough on the primary target audience. The worst thing any business can do is assume “everyone” is their client. Just not true and wasteful of limited time and budget. A successful business is highly focused on their best customer only and not the general public as a whole. The product or service offered must solve a problem OR be extremely attractive as a luxury BUT each of these has to be something others are willing to pay for (convenience or perceived value) and not just something of interest to the company founder. Just because you want it and are willing to pay for it doesn’t mean anyone else will.

Ultimately, a lack of focus on the best client and unrealistic expectations that everyone thinks the same as your founder(s) leads to ineffective positioning, messaging and delivery channel plan. That will do nothing but waste time and money. Check your ego at the door and make business decisions based on market data and audience feedback.

